Caylin Morore will be the featured speaker at the 39th Annual FCA Breakfast, set for Saturday, January 19 at the Boot Hill Conference Center at United Wireless Arena. Tickets are $10 per person, and can be purchased at the door the morning of the event.

Caylin Moore is the astounding, against-all-odds story of a young man’s rise from abject poverty in gang-ridden Los Angeles to the pinnacle of academic achievement as a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford.
By all rights, Caylin Louis Moore should be dead, in prison, or stalking the streets of Compton with his fellow gang-members. Instead, he’s a Rhodes Scholar, author, speaker, and role model for every kid who is deprived of hope in downtrodden communities.
After Moore’s mother gathered her three young children and fled an abusive husband, leaving behind a comfortable middle-class life, Moore found himself in a dangerous urban jungle. When Moore’s father was convicted of murder and his mother was sexually assaulted in the hospital while recovering from open-heart surgery, Moore was forced to become the man of the house at nine years old. Embracing his mother’s steely faith in God and the church, Moore skirted the gangs and the endemic violence of Compton to excel on the football field and in the classroom. Academics and athletics led to college scholarships. Moore’s eye-opening, inspirational story proves that, contrary to what others told him on his journey, there is no such thing as A Dream Too Big.
Caylin is making a return trip – after speaking to students in Dodge City last year. His message is powerful, and speaks to all ages. The TOC is excited to help provide this opportunity for everyone involved in the tournament, and our surrounding community!